How Does Rain Help Inspections

How Does Rain Help Inspections? In some cases, an inspector using no special equipment will be able to catch large issues like water leaks from rain during an inspection. However, what can the inspector do if there is nothing visible? This is where thermal imaging...

Why Are Re-Inspections Necessary

Why Are Re-Inspections Necessary? Disconnected Items During a home inspection if something is disconnected it won’t be inspected or will have a very limited inspection. This can mean a sink, appliance or air conditioner doesn’t have any visual defects, yet...

Why New Homes Need Inspections

Why Do New Homes Need Inspections? Builders Make Mistakes All builders use subcontractors to complete a home quickly. Many times even having to share these subs because of the high demand for housing in Austin at the time of this writing. These “subs” are...

What Are Conducive Conditions

What Are Conducive Conditions? Conducive conditions are things that make it easier for wood destroying insects like termites to get into our homes without us seeing. These are things like having a high soil line, a wood fence touching the house, or having wood piles...

The Benefits of a Consultation

The Benefits of a Consultation Save Time A normal inspection will take anywhere from 2 to 6 hours depending on the size of the house and what is being inspected. A consultation generally being only an hour or so limits the amount of time needed to get the desired...

How Do Inspections Change During Winter

How Do Inspections Change During Winter? Other than your inspector looking like an Eskimo, there are 2 main things that change with an inspection in winter. The first one is the air conditioner. On days that temperatures are below 60°F the air conditioner likely...